Get your own .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .name, Domain you can register or renew a domain name for just Yearly Tk. 3000/- or $20. There are no hidden fees! A domain name is your unique name on the Internet.
It allows your company, organization or family to establish an Internet presence, consisting of your personalized email addresses and your own web site address.
Trust your website with a company that now hosts over 12,000 domains on its network. rajIT owns and operates its own private data center with a 24/7/365 Support Team that is there to help you at any and every time. Business hosting is meant for clients that are seeking single or multiple domain hosting under one business hosting plan and one control panel.
Essentially, our fully managed business web hosting platform means that we are there to help if there are ever any issues with your hosting experience.
Whether you call, email or tweet us, or chat with us through our Live Chat, we are always there and always happy to help you with anything you may need.